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Cockpitdecks Configs provides a set of configurations for different aircraft for use with Cockpitdecks and X-Plane. Development and testing is primarily on the Loupedeck Live but it should be possible to re-use most of the elements with other decks.

Aircraft Configurations

Cockpitdecks build

Cockpitdecks is constantly evolving; check here which versions are compatible with these configs.

Compatible / supported versions as of writing:

Get Started

Known Issues

Known issues with latest build

  • Data icons (such as those found in weather page of Beechcraft Baron 58) not currently working with latest cockpitdecks build.
  • Issues with latest build and EncoderValueExtended/EncoderToggle but should be having a fix soon.
  • IconSide used for the custom sides may be renamed to not conflict with original IconSide.

Issues above all resolved in latest build of cockpitdecks and cockpitdecks-configs.
