Side Icon (Modified)¶
Based on the original IconSide class
class IconSide(Icon): # modified Representation IconSide class
def __init__(self, config: dict, button: "Button"):
config['icon-color'] = config['side'].get("icon-color", button.get_attribute("default-icon-color"))
Icon.__init__(self, config=config, button=button)
self.side = config.get("side") # multi-labels
self.centers = self.side.get("centers", [43, 150, 227]) # type: ignore
self.labels: str | None = self.side.get("labels") # type: ignore
self.label_position = config.get("label-position", "cm") # "centered" on middle of side image
def get_datarefs(self):
datarefs = []
for label in self.labels:
drefs = self.button.scan_datarefs(label)
if len(drefs) > 0:
datarefs = datarefs + drefs
return datarefs
# def get_datarefs(self):
# if self.datarefs is None:
# self.datarefs = []
# if self.labels is not None:
# for label in self.labels:
# dref = label.get('dataref')
# if dref is not None:
# logger.debug(f"button {self.button_name()}: added label dataref {dref}")
# self.datarefs.append(dref)
# return self.datarefs
def is_valid(self):
if self.button.index not in ["left", "right"]:
logger.debug(f"button {self.button_name()}: {type(self).__name__}: not a valid index {self.button.index}")
return False
return super().is_valid()
def get_image_for_icon(self):
Helper function to get button image and overlay label on top of it for SIDE keys (60x270).
Side keys can have 3 labels placed in front of each knob.
(Currently those labels are static only. Working to make them dynamic.)
image = super().get_image_for_icon()
if image is None:
return None
draw = None
if self.labels is not None:
image = image.copy() # we will add text over it
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
inside = round(0.04 * image.width + 0.5)
vheight = 38 - inside
vcenter = [35, 124, 213] # this determines the number of acceptable labels, organized vertically
cnt = self.side.get("centers")
if cnt is not None:
vcenter = [round(270 * i / 100, 0) for i in convert_color(cnt)] # !
li = 0
for label in self.labels:
txt = label.get("label")
get_text = self.button.get_text(label, root="text")
if li >= len(vcenter) or txt is None:
txto = get_text
lfont = label.get("label-font", self.label_font)
lsize = label.get("label-size", self.label_size)
font = self.get_font(lfont, lsize)
# Horizontal centering is not an issue...
label_position = label.get("label-position", self.label_position)
w = image.width / 2
p = "m"
a = "center"
if label_position == "l":
w = inside
p = "l"
a = "left"
elif label_position == "r":
w = image.width - inside
p = "r"
a = "right"
# Vertical centering is black magic...
h = vcenter[li] - lsize / 2
if label_position[1] == "t":
h = vcenter[li] - vheight
elif label_position[1] == "b":
h = vcenter[li] + vheight - lsize
(w, h), text=txt, font=font, anchor=p + "m", align=a, fill=label.get("label-color", self.label_color) # (image.width / 2, 15)
# Text below LABEL
tfont = label.get("text-font")
tsize = label.get("text-size")
tfont = self.get_font(tfont, tsize)
text_position = h + lsize + 5 # Adjust based on your needs, adding lsize for simplicity
(w, text_position), text=txto, font=tfont, anchor=p + "m", align=a, fill=label.get("text-color")
li = li + 1
return image
def describe(self):
return "The representation produces an icon with optional label overlay for larger side buttons on LoupedeckLive."